Encaustics (2016-2017)

The paintings in the series are based on digital photos made by camera traps triggered by a motion sensor. Due to the fact that the traps are set in the woods the most frequent are depictions of wildlife. I think I have always been interested in enhancement of what we refer to as conicidences or mistakes in all phases of artwork creation. Reference images included in the series were made entirely unaided by the author. The photograph is made exactly at the moment determined by the motion sensor, and the author’s role is only to determine the frame in which something is most likely to happen. The scenes created under these circumstances are completely different from those created by the author when sharing the space with wildlife. Animals are captured in relaxed motion, unaware of author’s presence.

Predlošci za slike iz ove serije digitalne su fotografije nastale fotozamkama fotoaparatom sa senzorom pokreta. Zamke su postavljane u šumi pa se zbog toga najčešće na njima pojavljuju prikazi divljih životinja. Mislim da me oduvijek prati interes za potenciranje onoga što nazivamo slučajnostima ili greškama u svim fazama nastanka umjetničkog djela. U ovoj sam seriji radio s predlošcima koji su nastali potpuno bez prisutnosti autora. Fotografija nastaje u trenutku koji odredi senzor pokreta, a autorova je uloga tek da odredi kadar u kojemu će se vjerojatno nešto dogoditi. Prizori koji nastaju u ovakvim uvjetima potpuno su drugačiji od onih koje stvara autor kada dijeli prostor sa životinjama. Životinje su uhvaćene u opuštenim kretnjama, nesvjesne autorove prisutnosti.